
My journey to helping you

My interest in holistic health was powered by personal health struggles and frustration with conventional, ‘sick-care” medicine. In my experience in that system, I wasn’t getting any better; and in fact, I was getting worse after every doctor’s appointment. Typically, these appointments only resulted in being prescribed medication, with the hope that it would mask my symptoms. However, they usually made matters worse due to the negative side effects of the medication. Fortunately, I broke free from this typical cycle of U.S. healthcare and sought alternative healing methods to uncover the root cause of my health issues. My health then began to turn around for the better. I made significant progress, but I still had lingering issues despite investing so much time, effort and money into healing. It wasn’t until I came across frequency work and Quantum Biofeedback that I had experienced major, rapid positive shifts. After experiencing such profound (and easy) results, I knew I had to share this with the world.

My experience working in healthcare and public health made me realize that all the blanket wellness advice was just not helping most people. Patients need to be heard deeply to understand them holistically. No two situations are the same even if people are diagnosed with the same illness. Most healthcare does not even acknowledge how blocked emotions cause health issues. I could no longer sit back and watch people get treated on a surface level without doing anything about it.

My credentials

  • Bachelor of Science: Nutrition and Food

What is Quantum Biofeedback & Energy Healing

Are you tired of spending a ton of money on doctor’s appointments, prescriptions and tests only to feel like you’re getting know where? Have you been told you’ll be stuck with a chronic condition for the rest of your life? Are you frustrated with all the supplements you take and restrictive diets you’ve been on only to still struggle with issues? Wouldn’t you like to address the root cause and have confidence your healing approach is actually working?

The root cause of an illness may not always be the same for everyone even if they have similar symptoms. Health issues are not always rooted in physical cause. Stuck emotions can act like a toxin in your body and cause lot’s of issues. But how the heck are we supposed to figure this all out?

Using Quantum Biofeedback is an easy way to help figure out the root causes and address the priorities your body needs to focus on. I use a combination of a highly sophisticated Quantum Biofeedback technology and traditional, intuitive modalities such as muscle testing to help solve these mysteries. After identifying priorities, I use energetic frequencies to harmonize the imbalances. Whether you rely on continued use of the frequency healing or take the information you learn from your results to your Doctor or to help you decide on your next steps; you can get faster results and gain confidence by obtaining this valuable information.

Book a free discovery call today, your body will thank you.

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